My Take

We all should have a set of rules on how we live our life, well,  this is my take.

1.  Put God first in your life. Realize that there is a higher power than oneself.  If you have children teach them about his words. God is the one foundation who will sustain you throughout life.

2.  Be kind to others.  Give back to the world in which you live. It will be these small things that will enhance your life tremendously.  Often all it takes is a kind word, your experience in life can make a difference in another man or woman’s life.

3. Be a GIVER not so much a TAKER.  We have one Mother Earth; we have a responsibility to leave this planet a better place as we journey through life.

4.  Become a LIFE, LONG LEARNER.  Remember it’s never acceptable to say, “I don’t KNOW” when there is a book around or access to obtain the answer. Knowledge is Power.

5.   Always save for a rainy day. As sure as you live on this earth you will have an Emergency.  Plan; don’t act like your unaware that life happens.  Emergencies are a part of life. Be prepared!  A wise man plans for life events a fool lives only for today.  Failing to plan financially can create a hardship for others within one’s circle of family and friends.  Sacrifice creates character and maturity.

My Take continues to see me through.

6.  Work hard to get what you want.  You want a “Hand-Up, not a Handout.”  Remember “God Blesses The Child Who Has His Own.”

7.  Parents,  you are your child’s role model. They learn by watching you.  It is a parent’s responsibility to teach their child independence.  We are doing a disservice to a child by always giving without teaching responsibility to the family, community and to themselves.

My thoughts are ever evolving.