Grilled Stone Fruit with Feta Salad

Grilled stone fruit with feta is a simple salad made impressive by its bold flavor and color.

Grilled stone fruit with feta salad is like no other.  It’s wholesome, healthy, sweet, salty, smoky, tart, and filling.  This grilled stone fruit with feta salad is one of those stick to your ribs kind of meals.  It’s a complete meal on a plate.  When I first picked up the peaches, nectarines, and plums from … Read more

Tasty Cobb Salad

The tasty Cobb salad is bursting with flavor color and nutrients needed to fuel the body.

The perfect salad that gets your attention is the tasty cobb salad.  This is a salad that gets you all excited about eating your vegetables.  Most of the ingredients can be found right in your refrigerator or pantry.  I often used a rotisserie chicken from my local market to make my tasty cobb salad.  It’s … Read more

Saucy Taco Salad

Taco Tuesday should be called feel good Tuesday.  Why is that you ask?  Tacos taste good and they are so easy to make. In addition, the foods required to make this dish are very inexpensive. Hence this dish will not negatively impact a budget.  This saucy taco salad makes this dish so much fun. Hence … Read more

Asian Spinach Salad

Even a simple green salad can be made impressive.  Switching up the greens along with adding unlikely vegetables along with a few nuts and grains can put a whole new spin on any salad.  This Asian spinach salad does just that. Let me just say I love pretty food. I eat with my eyes.  If … Read more

Spiralized Mixed Beet Salad

Spiralized red and golden beets has a delightful hearty earthy flavor.

The Spiralized Mixed Beet Salad is the tasty result of my gadget purchase. I’m like a big kid in a candy store when it comes to my food gadgets.   I purchased a spiralizer back in the summer.   I’ve  had so much fun getting familiar with its use.  There’s a Creamy Mushroom Zoodles dish that I … Read more

Apple-Orange Cranberry Sauce

One of the biggest hits this year during my Thanksgiving feast was the apple-orange cranberry sauce.  As a result I decided to add this recipe to my blog. I have to be honest cranberry sauce was not always a favorite among the members of my family. Hence, that has changed during the last few years … Read more

Rotisserie Chicken Salad

I love a good chicken salad.  Nothing says fall like a warm chicken salad.  Whether you like your chicken salad hot or cold we can all agree it has to be delicious.  The best chicken salad I ever had was made by a colleague for a Potluck Luncheon we were having at school some years … Read more

Peach Black Bean Grilled Corn Salsa

One of my favorite summer vegetables is corn. Corn freshly picked can be so sweet you could eat it right of the cob.  I don’t recommend you do that very often.  However  I do like a good ear of corn right off  the grill.   If you combine grilled corn with other vegetables you’ve got yourself … Read more

Asparagus Wheatberry Salad

Some of my best inspirations for salads came to me while shopping at Trader Joes. The Asparagus Wheatberry Salad is one of those inspirations.  I took the salad home and dissected the salad to create my own vision for the salad.   They also carry some delicious salads in their cold case.   When I shop at Trader … Read more

Beets Does The Body Good

The other day I made myself one of the tastiest beet salads, all in the honor of my donating blood in a few days. Being a blood donor is my way of giving back to the community.  Imagine a baby boomer afraid of needles donating blood; well that would be me. After donating a little … Read more