Rotisserie Chicken Salad

I love a good chicken salad.  Nothing says fall like a warm chicken salad.  Whether you like your chicken salad hot or cold we can all agree it has to be delicious.  The best chicken salad I ever had was made by a colleague for a Potluck Luncheon we were having at school some years … Read more

Peach Black Bean Grilled Corn Salsa

One of my favorite summer vegetables is corn. Corn freshly picked can be so sweet you could eat it right of the cob.  I don’t recommend you do that very often.  However  I do like a good ear of corn right off  the grill.   If you combine grilled corn with other vegetables you’ve got yourself … Read more

Fried Green Tomatoes

It’s hard to believe that summer is almost over and I’m just getting around to making a batch of fried green tomatoes.  I’ve always been able to find green tomatoes in the south.  Now I live in Maryland and since it’s below the Mason Dixie line why can’t I find a green tomato at the market … Read more

Basil Seafood Pasta

A fresh pasta dish flavored with plenty of basil

I went out to lunch at a local restaurant and the special of the day was this amazing dish called Basil Seafood Pasta.  I’m a huge fan of basil.  The basil pesto with its captivating flavor had me thinking about this dish for weeks.   You’ve got to know right off the bat that I’m a … Read more

Creamy Mushroom Zoodles

Who doesn’t like pasta?  Pretty much everyone unless you are allergic to wheat products or perhaps you’re watching your weight trying to cut down on your carbs.  I now fall into the last category.  I’m forever looking for ways to eat healthy without giving up the flavor.  I’m so excited, I think I may have … Read more

Asparagus Wheatberry Salad

Some of my best inspirations for salads came to me while shopping at Trader Joes. The Asparagus Wheatberry Salad is one of those inspirations.  I took the salad home and dissected the salad to create my own vision for the salad.   They also carry some delicious salads in their cold case.   When I shop at Trader … Read more

Beets Does The Body Good

The other day I made myself one of the tastiest beet salads, all in the honor of my donating blood in a few days. Being a blood donor is my way of giving back to the community.  Imagine a baby boomer afraid of needles donating blood; well that would be me. After donating a little … Read more

Rosemary Pan Seared Salmon

Salmon is one of my favorite go to proteins. It’s very flavorful and easy to prepare. When I can remember to take it out of the freezer it can be prepared in less than 15 minutes. I love growing my own herbs and rosemary is one of them.   Rosemary pairs well with salmon. It does … Read more