Hello my name is Sharron. I’m a retired educator a divorced mother of two adult sons and nana to two adorable granddaughters. I would like to thank you for stopping by. I can guarantee this wont be your typical blog. Since retiring in 2014 creating a blog has been at the top of my bucketlist. I challenged myself to create a blog and oh how well do I love a challenge. Having no background in web development and blogging with nothing but time on my hands I had a lot to learn. I must say in the past few years creating a website has become considerably easier. There is very little if any coding you need to know today. I must give YouTube credit for all of the useful information in helping me to create my website. It took a minute. Okay maybe it was a couple of years. Thats ok because as you can see my website is now up and running. It’s safe to say I won the challenge.
As I stated this wont be your typical blog. Throughout my life I have always had some kind of project that I have worked on and I’ve usually documented the process through pictures and videos. Be it crafts, cooking, DIY (Do-It-Yourself) projects, gardening, home decor or travel I will be sharing with you old and new projects that I have done throughout my life. I want you to stop by often so I can share with you the many projects and activities that I have created throughout the years.