Fire Prevention Home Safety Check

October is designated as Fire Prevention Week.  According to the National Fire Protection Association a home fire is reported every 87 seconds.

This topic is very dear to my heart as a retired middle school health/home economics (FACS) teacher October is the month I would review with my 6th grade students the importance of fire safety.  Sometimes as families we tend to get busy and we forget to discuss with our little ones and our tweens and teens about fire safety.  The earlier part of this year I had a former colleague who lost over 8 grandchildren in a home fire.  It was devastating for the family, school, community, and city.

Fall is the perfect time to review fire and home safety.  October was once dedicated as Fire Prevention Month. Now we have so many other events sharing the month of October we just have one week to remind us of Fire Prevention Safety.   Fire Prevention Safety is at the beginning of the month when the weather still tends to be warmer.  Cooler weather leads to an increase of house fires.  This is a good time to act as a reminder of fire safety.   This would be the perfect time to have students create a clever way to remind their families about fire safety.

The two most popular methods I used with my students were having them create a family video on Fire Safety and also developing a Safety Checklist booklet to share with the people they loved.  These two practices really got the boys and girls talking about fire safety as a family. This is the component which is so important to get families talking about home and fire safety.   Attached is one such infographic which could be used as a reminder in your family.

The Fire Safety Checklist

What are some strategies that you use with your family to teach fire safety prevention?  I’d love to hear from you, leave a comment below.