Celebrating 65 Is To Party With A Purpose

Note to self-plan a big 65th birthday party to celebrate my life. Celebrating 65 is to party with a purpose.   It’s a huge milestone and I wanted to celebrate with family and friends.  After going through breast cancer my birthday of January 7, 2017, became even more important to me.   I just wanted to share this time and space with those who have been there for me throughout my life.  Just to think January 7th fell on a Saturday too, now that was a wonderful gift.  The great thing about having a party on a Saturday it makes it easy for those traveling from out of town to make it back to their destinations before Monday if they need to go back to work.   On the day of my party the weather wasn’t that cooperative it snowed during the day and the temperature dropped as the day moved into evening.

If I never have another party again this one will be BIG!    I’ve always been grateful for the life that I have but there is nothing like a health threat to remind one how wonderful and blessed life is. When you face death as a result of illness it truly makes you appreciate life.   Twenty doses of radiation and the last dose completed on October 3, 2016, gave me every reason to be thankful and want to celebrate.

The venue has been booked.  This will be the party of the year.  On Saturday, January 7, 2017, this party will be a-w-e-some!

The invitations have been sent.  It’s time to get this party started.

The final check before the start of the party.  I wanted to make sure everything was in place before the guests arrived.  I’m so blessed to have such wonderful friends to help with the final inspection of the venue.

Sipping on a little wine before we go to get dressed.  I love these ladies!

The party color theme that I chose for the event was black, white, and gray.  The head table hit the mark.  I really didn’t specify a color scheme for my guests.  I just wanted them to dress to impress and come to have a good time.

And The Party Begins

This is the moment I have waited so long for.  The venue looks magical.  I was elated. I just felt this would be the best four hours of my life spending time with family and friends.

It’s Showtime!

It’s Showtime the stage has been set.  I have the perfect dress, my makeup is on point, and I look and feel amazing.  I was so looking forward to having a good time with family and friends.  This would be the party of the year.  What a way to start 2017 come in with a LITE party.  Who said Boomers don’t speak the lingo. Lol!

Here are a few of the pretty ladies in my family.  Showing me love they came from Texas, Alabama, and Ohio for my 65th birthday party.

Here are a few of the men in my family.  Boy did they have fun that night?  This is what I wanted to see.  It so important to come together in love in the family.

Garret on my left and Brandon on my right are my two sons who make my life worthwhile.  I’m so proud of these young men.  I’m so proud to say they’re my sons.

The guests started to arrive.  The 65th birthday party is going live!  They didn’t let a little snow and cold weather keep them home.  One of the disadvantages of hosting a party during January.

There wouldn’t be a party without dancing.

I’m dancing with my oldest brother Samuel.  We were having the time of our lives.

I will cherish this evening for the rest of my life.  There was so much fun had by all.  God has put so many amazing people in my life which I am truly grateful.

My Work Family

Here is my work family.  I’m so happy that so many of my colleagues came out to make my 65th birthday party such a huge success.

My Family

I can’t forget my family.  They came from far and wide to help me celebrate this special occasion.  I love each and every one of them.  Thank you, FAM!  We made it happen.

Sharron (gray dress) left to right Samuel Starla Sandra and Scott

I am the oldest of eight children.  At the time of this photo, two of my siblings didn’t make it to the party.  My youngest brother died years ago at the age of 28 from a massive heart attack.  Our family has seen our share of heartache.  That’s why this party was so important to me.  I wanted to be able to come together in celebration of life.  As I stated earlier 2016 took a major toll on me and my family health wise.   I was blessed to have all these wonderful people with me to help celebrate this milestone in my life.

Since my 65th birthday party I loss my middle sister Susan Bass.  Susan wasn’t able to make it to my birthday party, however she was with us in our heart.  I love you Sis.

I’m Greatful For This Life

I have a lot to be thankful for, my family, friends and for my health and strength.  Life is so short I just wanted to spend a few hours we those that I admire and love.  In lieu of gifts, I wanted friends and family to donate to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.  Their presence at my birthday party was my gift.  I’m happy to say we met our goal of $1,000.  We surpassed our goal by $230.00.  I’m so happy to be able to donate to such a worthy cause.  I hope that I will someday see a cure during my lifetime.  That is my desire.

There’s nothing left but to sing the happy birthday song. My girlfriend Kimberley loves the long version of Stevie Wonder’s happy birthday song and asked the DJ to play it. It’s not my favorite rendition because it’s just too gosh darn long.  It was Kimberley’s way of making me the birthday girl the center of attention for as long as possible.  It’s a bit uncomfortable being the focus but I made the best of it by getting the guests involved by having them participate by singing individually and as a group. It was fun!

My party was a huge success. Everyone had a great time and a few folks proclaimed that it was the best event that they had attended in recent years. I’m glad that my family and friends enjoyed it. Life is precious and it’s important to have as much fun as possible and enjoy each day to the fullest. My 65th was an incredibly special day and I’m just so grateful that I was able to share it with the people I love. I look forward to celebrating my next birthday.

How do you celebrate your birthday? Please share your thoughts.

Life is good and I am indeed blessed!