Fire Prevention Home Safety Check

October is designated as Fire Prevention Week.  According to the National Fire Protection Association a home fire is reported every 87 seconds. This topic is very dear to my heart as a retired middle school health/home economics (FACS) teacher October is the month I would review with my 6th grade students the importance of fire … Read more

Celebrating 65 Is To Party With A Purpose

Note to self-plan a big 65th birthday party to celebrate my life. Celebrating 65 is to party with a purpose.   It’s a huge milestone and I wanted to celebrate with family and friends.  After going through breast cancer my birthday of January 7, 2017, became even more important to me.   I just wanted to share … Read more

The Fight of My Life – Breast Cancer

My Breast Cancer Journey On Tuesday, June 14, 2016, at 1:20 pm my life changed forever.  My surgeon called me to say what I had dreaded hearing my entire life.  Dr. Jaberi said, “Sharron I’m sorry to have to tell you this but you have breast cancer.”  I became the one woman in eight who had contracted … Read more

Pink Wreath for Breast Cancer Awareness

Guess What! I have a really simple way to show your home’s support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. You can show your support by making a pretty pink wreath for the front door.   You don’t need to be crafty to make this wreath. There was no certain direction I was going in making this wreath. I … Read more

Peach Black Bean Grilled Corn Salsa

One of my favorite summer vegetables is corn. Corn freshly picked can be so sweet you could eat it right of the cob.  I don’t recommend you do that very often.  However  I do like a good ear of corn right off  the grill.   If you combine grilled corn with other vegetables you’ve got yourself … Read more